offline for you,sweet.

I understand that things to you are hard..
I really do. .
but well,they are hard for me too..and you can count with my help...and i..I have to do all by myself.
So i don´t want to help you ,it´s no because i´m selfish it´s because you are.

riddle me this

I can write in code, too. But I won't.
I hope you're not enough of an asshole to ruin our friendship. I hope you believe the things you quote. I hope I am not being an idiot for believing you again and again. If you are giving me false hope, STOP immediately.

But I can tell you one thing, and I am 100% sure of this, with no uncertain hopes: if you hurt me, it is really YOUR loss. I'll be back on my feet in no time, and you'll never know what you missed.