Doing my best

Why do I keep treating people the way they don't treat me?

pleased to meet you

"You just need to go out there and meet some new people!"
Sure. That's good advice, in theory. But tell me: WHERE should I go? WHO should I meet?

The world is full of people. Everywhere I go I see them. The people. They're on the public transport. Streets. Supermarkets. Other appartments in my building. But they don't seem to be the specific people who I want (need? hope) to meet.
I think this is because I am looking for a serious connection. I'm looking for someone to share something important with me. It's not something you can get right away just from "meeting" any of those people who tread around the buses, the corridors, the bars, the short courses. I don't need to MEET people. I need to KNOW people.


Do we talk about the lack os sex because we are afraid of talking about the lack of love?