"the pathway to me is guarded by intricate tests like this one and i watch in amusement as people mostly stumble over them. "

you think just because we had sex, that the path is clear now. What kind of bizarre logic is that?

I get it, for most people, letting their guard down equals sex. But not me, and that makes me feel like you are not treating me like the individual I am, but like the concept of a generic girlfriend, which I am not.

(The fact that you are the pickiest eater ever, and didn't even ask me if I disliked any of the ingredients when you were cooking... Ok, I must be the most critical human being in the planet for being annoyed about a milk box in my fridge, but I guess that's how I select people that come near me, to see if they really care)

And all that makes me not feel guilty about seeing the other guy, the one that doesn't compliment me at all and only talks about himself, but makes interesting conversation and doesn't make me question my fridge's personal space.

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